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Steve Beckow – Obama and Snowden: Let’s Protect Our Allies


Written by Steve Beckow

Japan Obama AsiaWhat a difficult path being a lightworker today is.

On the one hand, we want to do the right thing. On the other hand, very little is as it seems.

Edward SnowdenRight Photo: Edward Snowden

Daniel Ellsberg criticizes President Obama in relation to NSA data-mining but only when we read Matthew Ward (1) do we see what’s really happening behind the scenes.

We hear that there are galactics within the NSA and that the data-mining capability is being used to take down the dark workers in the CIA and the Illuminati generally.

Many lightworkers criticized President Obama over the signing of the Monsanto Protection Act, but now Matthew reveals that the galactics advised the President to sign it and for what reasons.

I remember defending the President some time ago in the face of what looked like dark acts but having no ability to say what it was he was doing or why he was doing it. The email I received from lightworkers I would not have expected and it was disheartening.

But surely we’ve seen that there are reasons – good, solid ones – for the many acts for which President Obama has been soundly criticized – and by lightworkers as well as the malevolent forces bent on destroying him by any means. Must we wait until we lose a bright leader to realize our mistake?

Here’s another case in point: Even lightworkers accuse the President of faking his birth certificate. Yes, the birth certificate was faked – Archangel Michael called it one of the deepest fabrications since the years of skullduggery decades ago. But the kicker is that it wasn’t President Obama who faked the document; it was his opponents who then attributed it to the President. The Divine Mother also acknowledged that others faked it. (2)

And, yes, Archangel Michael did confirm that President Obama was born in Hawaii. (3)

I’ve found it hard to defend the President when I cannot explain what’s happening. But I also acknowledge that, in all but one incident (the faked death of Osama bin Laden), explanations have come out subsequently that have made perfect sense and confirm again, if it should be needed, that the President is an important lightworker and a central figure in our entrance into the new times.

Can we not, after hearing Matthew this latest time, do what Matthew has advised us repeatedly to do over the years: get behind the President and support him? Surely he has had the worst job on Earth: to be President of a country that started out as a beacon of freedom and democracy and has been hijacked by corrupt leaders.

President Obama’s job is to clean his country up even while he is seen even by lightworkers as being corrupt himself. How much reassurance that President Obama is not corrupt do we lightworkers need before we stop criticizing the President?

And while I’m here, may I recommend to lightworkers that they rally around Edward Snowden in every possible way? Could we not post a guard of dedicated individuals around Snowden’s residence twenty-four hours a day?

We’ve seen how we nearly lost Julian Assange to the dangerous forces in the alphabet agencies. Can we learn from that experience and express our support for Snowden’s brave act by ensuring that nothing happens to him?

I’m sure if we could penetrate the veil, we’d see that there is protection from the Light. But we cannot be sure of that and, anyways, ringing his residence would be a strong statement from us lightworkers that we are here for him and appreciate his courage and sacrifice. If all of Turkey can rally over a public park, then surely we can rally over one man’s act of raw courage.


(1) “Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, June 11, 2013,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/matthews-message-via-suzy-ward-june-11-2013/.

(2) Steve Beckow: Just before turning to the [Divine] Plan a few questions down the line, was Barack Obama’s birth certificate doctored?

Divine Mother: Yes.

SB: So the accusations against Barack Obama that his birth certificate is false, they really do apply to the people who actually doctored the certificate to give rise to these suspicions. Is that true?

DM: That is correct. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/ .)

(3)  Steve Beckow: Was President Obama born in the United States?

Archangel Michael: Yes.

SB: Where was he born?

AAM: He was born in Hawaii. (Tape 2 of a personal reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Oct. 11, 2011.)

Source: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/obama-and-snowden-lets-protect-our-allies/

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